Цветовая схема

Reviewing Process

   All articles submitted for publication in the academic journal “Vestnik of Nizhny Novgorod Linguistics University” are subject to double-blind peer-review. The reviewers are established scholars who hold a doctoral degree and are university faculty members with publications in the sphere of linguistics and language education. The manuscripts submitted by the authors are sent to reviewers within 10 days of submission. The reviewing process takes approximately two weeks. The reviewer evaluates the significance and novelty of the research described in the article, its methodological consistency, reliability and validity of study results, as well as their theoretical and practical value. The review should include an explicit statement concerning the possibility of publishing the article in “Vestnik of Nizhny Novgorod Linguistics University” and either recommend the article for publication or reject it. In the latter case, the author will receive a detailed motivated letter explaining the reasons for refusal. If the reviewer recommends the article for publication with certain revisions, the author will be given up to two months for revising the article in light of reviewers comments and resubmitting it.